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Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Tweet Stats twitter akun @folowerkamu

Tweet Stats

Browse through a selection of your recent tweets up to 3200 and see all the stats about how you are using Twitter.

Report for Twitter user

Joined Twitter on
Tuesday Dec 09 2014 18:16:21

Showing Stats from a total of
912 tweets

Loading Tweets from date range
Tuesday Dec 09 2014 18:25:44
Thursday Mar 05 2015 04:14:26

Most mentioned links… 39 times… 25 times 15 times… 13 times''/to… 12 times

Sharing Totals of your tweets
Total Retweets = 128124
Total Favs = 11

Most mentioned hashtags #
1 #tolakrekayasajis 21 times
2 #bebaskanterdakwajis 10 times
3 #tolakbudigunawan 7 times
4 #koinuntukaustralia 7 times
5 #freeneilandferdi 6 times
6 #savekpk 6 times
7 #follower 5 times
8 #retweeet 5 times
9 #rekayasajis 5 times
10 #rekayasajis 4 times

Most mentioned usernames
@mrarbib 595 times
@arbib 163 times
@tokoalatpijat 98 times
@mrarbib 71 times
@savewongcilik 71 times

Top 5 Most active tweet times (GMT)
1. 04:00 - 5:00 = 147 tweets / 16.12%
2. 08:00 - 9:00 = 124 tweets / 13.60%
3. 05:00 - 6:00 = 113 tweets / 12.39%
4. 09:00 - 10:00 = 88 tweets / 9.65%
5. 07:00 - 8:00 = 82 tweets / 8.99%

Top 25 most tweeted keywords
1. kasus / 74 times
2. jakarta / 57 times
3. indonesia / 56 times
4. menteri / 46 times
5. jokowi / 45 times
6. trends / 39 times
7. chirpstory / 31 times
8. pijat / 28 times
9. untuk / 27 times
10. terdakwa / 25 times
11. mrarbib / 24 times
12. korban / 24 times
13. lewat / 22 times
14. tidak / 21 times
15. hakim / 20 times
16. harus / 19 times
17. dalam / 19 times
18. masih / 17 times
19. tahun / 17 times
20. nurbaya / 17 times
21. majelis / 16 times
22. sudah / 16 times
23. presiden / 16 times
24. rakyat / 16 times
25. seksual / 15 times

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